The Sunnyvale Gin Family, headed by Jerry Gin

The Branch of: 甄炳俊,son of 甄立壽 . Until his passing on, 甄立壽 had long been associated as an official of the Gin Sun Hall Benevolent Association, San Francisco.

Ancestral Home: 勒沖鄉 / Lak Chung Heung, 大塘基 / Tai Tong Kay .

The Family Line is as follows:

甄 Generation Recorded Number of siblings House number 廣東 簕冲甄氏家譜 (卷二第四分册) Page Generation Name Simplified 1 Simplified 2 Traditional 1 Traditional 2 Cantonese 1 Cantonese 2 English Def. Word 1 English Def. Word 2
1 1 1 21 舜 河 舜 河 seun3 ho4 legendary ruler river; stream; yellow river
2 1 1 21 世 茂 世 茂 sai3 mau6 generation; world; era thick, lush, dense; talented
3 2 2 21 德 固 德 固 dak1 gu3 ethics, morality, virtue become solid, solidify; strength
4 3 2 21 仕 达 仕 達 si6 daat4 official; serve government arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery
5 6 1 21 云 山 雲 山 lin4 saan1 join, connect; continuous; even mountain, hill, peak
6 2 1 21/22 文 保 文 保 man4 bou2 literature, culture, writing protect, safeguard, defend, care
7 2 2 22 认 信 認 信 ying6 seun3 recognize, know, understand trust, believe; letter
8 5 5 22 德 能 德 能 dak1 nang4 ethics, morality, virtue to be able; can, permitted to; ability
9 1 1 22 原 恵 原 恵 yun4 source, origin, beginning favor, benefit, confer kindness
10 4 1 22/29 观 庇 觀 庇 gun1 bei3 see, observe, view; appearance cover, shield, shelter, protect
11 2 1 29 恒 乐 恆 樂 hang4 lok6 constant, regular, persistent happy, glad; enjoyable; music
12 4 2 29 國 国 英 國 英 gwok3 ying1 nation, country, nation-state petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English
13 1 2 29 師 师 尧 師 堯 si1 yiu4 teacher, master, specialist a legendary ancient emperor-sage
14 2 2 29/75 仰 贤 仰 賢 仰 yin4 yeung5 virtuous, worthy, good; able raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire
15 3 2 75 朝 朝 健 朝 健 chiu4 gin6 dynasty; morning strong, robust, healthy; strength
16 2 2 75 弘 翀 弘 翀 wang4 chung1 enlarge, expand; liberal, great fly upward
17 7 1 75 高 高 台 高 台 gou1 toi4 high, tall; lofty, elevated platform; unit; term of address
18 2 1 75/80 诏 诏 霭 詔 靄 jiu3 oi2 decree, proclaim; imperial decree cloudy sky, haze; calm, peaceful
19 1 1 80 相 相 理 相 理 seung1 lei5 mutual, reciprocal, each other reason, logic; manage
20 4 1 80 荣 荣 闾 榮 閭 wing4 leui4 glory, honor; flourish, prosper village of twenty-five families
21 6 3 80 基 基 逈 基 逈 gei1 foundation, base distant, far; separated; different
22 1 1 80/278 綱 纲 彦 綱 彥 gong1 yin6 heavy rope, hawser; main points elegant
23 3 1 278 紀 紀 侃 紀 侃 gei2 hon2 record, annal, historical account upright and strong; amiable
24 6 1 278 伦 伦 拭 倫 拭 leun4 sik1 normal human relationships wipe away stains with cloth
25 1 2 278 常 常 拨 常 撥 seung4 but6 common, normal, frequent, regular move; dispel; distribute; plectrum, play stringed instrument
26 3 1 278/280 立 立 寿 立 壽 laap6 sau6 stand; let stand; establish, set old age, long life; lifespan
27 2 2 280 俢 炳 俊 炳 俊 bing3 jeun3 bright, luminous; glorious talented, capable; handsome
28 1 伟

wai5 gwong1 great, robust; extraordinary light, brilliant, shine; only
28 2 伟 強 偉 強 wai5 keung4 great, robust; extraordinary strong, powerful, energetic

Details of the Family Line Trace extracted from the Lak Chung Gin Family Register ( 甄氏勒沖家譜)are as follows.

{Place the "hand" over the relevant photo, click to magnify, then click the "previous page" browser button to return to the photos}.

Generation 1 to 6

Generation 6 to 10

Generation 10 to 14

Generation 14 to 18

Generation 18 to 22

Generation 22 to 26

Generation 26 to 28